Managing Data with the Internet of Things
With the projected, exponential proliferation of IoT and the big data it produces, NoSQL databases are demanded. These must be scaleable, flexible and allow for analytics and a unified view. This, the second, in a three-part webinar, focusses on the database requirements for IoT, with contributions by IT professionals from both the developer and a user of a non-relational database.
- It is predicted tht the economic value added created by the IoT by 2020 will be almost 2 trillion dollars.
- Relational databases are being challenged with the need to store all data from super dense networks.
- The complex data produced in the IoT requires a new way to model data so that it can be used in a rich application.
- With IoT data structure must be changeable with continuous integration enabled by dynamic database schema which can be changed on the fly.
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